Apex Home Mortgage
Apex Home Mortgage was founded for one reason: to cut out layers of corporate overhead in order to bring our clients the best pricing and experience possible.
As a small independent brokerage, we have numerous wholesale lenders to choose from and fewer hoops to jump through, resulting in lower rates and lower fees for every single one of our clients. Our loan officers wear many hats throughout the mortgage process and are with you start to finish. We save you the time of researching rates yourself and do all of the heavy lifting for you!
Who you trust with your mortgage isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. Founded on transparency and communication, we are with you every step of the way, and our team of experienced loan officers allows you to choose the person that’s the best fit for you! For a free consultation, shoot us a call, text, or email anytime!
We are licensed in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, Texas, and Montana!”
Branch locations
Apex Home Mortgage – Arizona
4425 E Agave Rd Ste 122 & 124 Phoenix, AZ 85044
Office hours: 9am-6pm Monday-Friday
Contact: Jaxon Lodge, Owner/Broker (480) 577-5431, jaxon@apexhm.com
Apex Home Mortgage – Hawaii
75-5737 Kuakini Hwy Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Office hours: 9am-6pm Monday-Friday
Contact: Ryan Herbert, VP/Broker (808) 747-6152, ryan@apexhm.com